React - Python - JavaScript - Flask - PostgreSQL
HTML5/Canvas - CSS - SQLAlchemy - Express - Node

I am a full stack developer with experience using HTML, CSS, Javascript and React to create dynamic and efficient web applications. My ability to communicate and adapt to a constantly changing environment makes me an asset on team projects and in leadership roles. My undergraduate training in Anthropology enables me to approach challenges from multiple angles while producing curated solutions to the objectives at hand.

  • Dolor

Fishing 'n Such

Typhoon Fishing style game with a continuous game loop gives the illusion of fish swimming across the screen. This was my first experiece with HTML5 Canvas and I found it to be so much fun! I also used CSS3, JavaScript, and my own assets to complete this project.

CSS - HTML - HTML5 Canvas - JS

Green & Grow

Find and schedule events and meals that focus on sustainable living. RESTful routing app that queries the Zomato API and the Eventful API. Backend made with Node/Express, Sequelize/PostgreSQL and Javascript. Frontend created with Node/EJS, HTML, and CSS.

CSS - HTML - Node - JS - Express - RESTful routing

No Scroll Recipes

Recipe app that allowed users to create/find recipes without scrolling through unnecessary content. Backend made with JS, database created with MongoDB, frontend created with React.js and CSS. Users are able to save and favorite recipes, share recipes, etc via RESTful routing in this MERN app.

CSS - React - JS - MongoDB - MERN auth

Grace K Beck

Proffesion website for photographer and designer, Grace Beck, located in Minneapolis, MN. Front-end React app with EmailJS for emailing Ms. Beck via the contact page.

CSS - React - EmailJS - JS

A bit more about me

In 2016, I took my first computer science class at the University of Michigan while persuing my degree in Anthropology. I was originally taking the class to fulfill a requirement for my major, but after a few weeks I was completely hooked.
I enjoyed the challenges and hard work that each project demanded. I loved the break through feeling when I would finally locate an error that was throwing a seg fault in my code. And there was nothing like the feeling of completing a project that passed the entire test suite.
Although I was passionate about both fields of study, after graduating in August of 2019, I decided to dedicate myself to becoming a software developer.
I moved to Seattle in January 2020 to attend a 13 week Software Engineering Immersive at General Assembly. While there, I learned many industry tools and languages through personal projects, homeworks, and labs along with my 12 cohort members. Post cohort, I am continuing to learn and grow my skills through projects, updating past works, and algorithm and data structures studies.

I am currently looking for full time work in the Seattle area.

Thank you for checking out my work!